Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Potty Training Day 1

Some may say that my life must be completely revolved around Brenna. I would argue most days that I may talk about her a lot, but I have other interests as well. She is just the most exciting or interesting news I have to share for the day. Today is a different story. Yes, my entire day, save nap time, revolved around Brenna. There were many accidents and a few tears falling from her little eyes, but for the most part, the day was a success. I am hoping that tomorrow will be even more successful. I don't even want to count the number of panties we went through. I did a load of them today, and I am sure I will be doing a load tomorrow too. I think I need to go buy a few more pairs for her. At nap time, I was questioning my certainty of the timing. Was she really ready? She doesn't really need to use the toilet. She can stay in diapers forever, right?

Then finally at 5:30 she tee-teed in the potty. Yea Brenna! We did a dance and clapped. The dog barked and she got her M&M. She was really proud of herself and wanted to call everyone she knew. Of course she didn't talk once we got them on the phone, but she was willing to repeat what I told her to say. She doesn't have the phone concept down yet either.

I wore many hats or titles today. I was cheerleader, janitor, fun maker, amazingly creative mommy, chef, did I mention clean up crew, tee-tee absorber (yes, she tinkled on me while she was sitting in my lap), professional reader, photographer (everyone needs pictures of their first potty experience), art teacher, and movie operator. I'm sure there are others I am leaving out. I am tired, but feel good about the day.

Oh yes, she did go again after dinner too. She was watching her "Pongo and Perdy Moomie" sitting on her potty. When she got up for her bath, low and behold, there was some tee-tee. Again with the song and dance and M&M.

I'm signing off my Mommy duties now. Brenna's asleep now and I think I will just be Kayla now.

...to be continued.

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