Friday, July 18, 2008

A Day and Night of Many "Firsts"

When our children are infants and babies, there are so many "firsts" they seem to come everyday. Now that Brenna is a toddler, the "firsts" don't seem to come as often. Oh, they do come around and I love to be present when she learns something. Well, today there are three "firsts", two not so pleasant, and one great.

We went to Lake Blue Ridge with Nonni and G-Daddy, and Brenna got burnt for the first time. I don't know really know what happened because I did put sunscreen on her back. I must not have put enough on or maybe I rubbed it off at some point. Whatever the case, she has a red back. I really feel bad. She doesn't seem to mind it, but I know how bad it is for her health to get burnt.

Later when we got home, she was trying to climb onto the piano bench and fell. Now falling is not the "first". We have actually had many of those, but this time she cut the corner of her eyelid. How is it that kids always seem to hit so closely to their eyes? It makes me sooo nervous. I was worried that she split her eyelid all the way through to her eye, but I was just a worried mom. It is really just a little cut with a little swelling. Hopefully it won't look too bad tomorrow.

Then shortly after the eye incident, I put Brenna in the bathtub.

Isn't that white tushy just too cute. (Sorry, I'm easily sidetracked. Also, note the sunburn as described above.) Anyways she was lying on her tummy when I noticed something brown coming out. I was quick on my toes and rushed her to the toilet. You know the saying, "You scared the poop out of me?" Well this was the opposite. I "scared the poop into her" at least for a minute. My little baby girl pooped in the big girl potty. Yea Brenna! She was so funny. When she finished she smiled so big at me. She knew her accomplishment was big. She looked at the poo poo and said "bye-bye" and flushed it away. Maybe this is a sign that potty training won't be too bad. More likely, I just got lucky.

Sorry to those of you who don't like to read about the poop accomplishments of a toddler. That is the hazard of reading a blog of a toddler. It funny that I talk all about Brenna's poops but that isn't something I would ever consider talking about myself. One day she will probably read this and be so embarrrised at what I wrote.

Here are a few pictures from the lake today. I really do have a little fish. She loves playing in the water. All in all we had a good day today. Everyone enjoyed our time together. Hopefully after this full day we will all sleep well.


Krischa said...

I haven't had the pooping in the bathtub incident yet but I have plenty of peeing in the bathtub. Those boys get in the warm water and watch out for a fountain! Cute though I hope potty training goes easy for you. I know girls are suppouse to be alot easier than boys. She does have a cute toosh! I love my boys bottoms too! Babies bottoms are so cute.

Anonymous said...

Tell your little girl i want to impregnate her