Monday, August 4, 2008

Potty Training Day ?

I know, I said I would write about this anymore. I just had to leave a quick update. My little potty girl is doing great! I am so proud of her. We haven't had very many accidents. I know she will learn to poop in the potty soon. After all, everyone does learn eventually. I love that I can be at home and teach her so many of life's lessons (potty training being one of them). I am thankful that God continues to provide for us and allows me to stay at home and be Mom. It is a hard job, but I love it even when I am cleaning up messes. Well, I don't really love the messes, but I do love Brenna.

Yesterday was Nathan and my sixth anniversary. Wow, six years. It has been an adventure that I am also thankful for. I love my husband. I love so many things about him. I can't even list them all. I love that he works hard to provide for us. I love that he cares for me in so many different ways. Mostly I just love him. Thanks, Nathan for six glorious years. I wouldn't trade them for anything.

Speaking of Nathan. He has started band camp now. It is a lot of work for him, and it so blasted hot here. He is really wishing for a job up north about now. The morning begins outside from 10 to 12. He comes home for lunch until 1 when the indoor rehearsal starts and lasts until 3. He comes home for a snack break until 4. Then back to the band hall for another indoor practice until 6. From 6-8 they march outside again. This is the schedule everyday (except Fridays when they are off) until school starts at the end of August. Poor Nathan. He is the one that really hates hot weather. Did I mention that it is stinkin' hot here? Right now it is 100.2 in the shade.

So, Brenna and I will be spending most of our time alone. We will miss our husband and daddy. It has been fun to have him home this summer, but as I told Nathan, "all good things must come to an end."


Nathan said...

I would say thanks for the support from the air-conditioned house, but I know you went out today when I was actually inside! I love you so much and can't believe it's been 6 years already. How great they've been! I'll stop now before anyone else reading this gets physically ill.

Amy said...

Sheesh... I wish I lived near. We would have so much fun while our husbands work LONG hours. Plus, I could babysit Brenna while you nap. Oh well, I guess our hours of phone conversations will have to do for now. Did I mention that there is a band director job in Canyon?