Monday, August 11, 2008

The Best of Both Worlds

This past weekend I caught Brenna being a great mix of both her parents. How fun it is to see her taste both our interests. On Friday, Nathan turned on his itunes library on the computer and let Brenna pick the songs. They sat in the chair together listening to the horns and vocalists and watching the pretty colors dancing on the screen.

Then Nathan called me into the computer room again on Saturday to see what she was doing. My music geek husband was directing to the music playing on the computer. There sat Brenna next to him directing in her own way. She was having a great time being just like Daddy. The funniest part was her "baton". Notice Daddy's: a nice white director's baton. Now notice Brenna's. What is it you may ask?

Yes, that is a Crayola marker. I guess it was the closest she could come up with on such a short notice. And yes, she is naked. Someone should tell her that the technique for nerves it to imagine the audience without clothes, not to actually perform without clothes.

The directing took place on Saturday morning. On Saturday night, I had to feed a friend's horses and decided to take Brenna and Nathan with me. Brenna loves to go spend time with the horses, and I wanted to take some pictures. (I needed Nathan's help to take the pictures.) Brenna sat on Pretty Boy while he was eating, and she brushed him when she was tired of sitting.

She really loves Pretty Boy. Have I mentioned that every stuffed or play horse she owns (that is a lot) is named Pretty Boy?

I just love watching her interact with horses and most other animal too. She is so sweet with them.

I am teaching her about horse care and barn management at a young age.
Rule #1: Always make sure to have all the tools you need ready at a moments notice.

Rule #2: If you want to have fun after you are finished caring for the horses, look to makes sure there aren't any horses around. Then run at top speeds carrying all your tools and laughing as you go.

I love every opportunity I get to send at the farm. I love being there by myself or with Brenna. I also love to be there with my whole family. I always feel at peace with the animals. I seem to be passing that on to my daughter.

I can't even begin to explain the ache I feel to be near these beautiful animals more often. I miss living above them and caring for them. I miss the feeling of them as I plunge my cold hands into their thick, warm, woolly fur. I miss riding a horse that I have worked with and cared for daily. There is a unity that is rarely duplicated. I love the feel of a horses movements under me as I climb into the saddle. I the smell of a barn and tack room. Mostly I miss the calm of a barn at the end of the day when everyone but me and the horses have left. I will work at a barn someday again. It is too much a part of me to loose forever. Right now, I will settle for the farm with these sweet horses. The simplicity of this farm is refreshing and calming as well. I am so thankful for the wonderful friends that allow me to spend time on their property and at their home.

I am excited that I am at Mom and Dad's house this week. They have a wonderful invention here called TiVo. Yes, I have heard of it before, but I have never had the opportunity it witness it in action. My poor dad is having to record many hours of viewing for me. I love the Olympics, but my favorite part is not the most popular. Have you guessed it yet? Dressage!!! If it comes on at all, it is normally in the wee hours of the morning and I can't watch it. I get to watch all the Dressage I want this week. Thanks Dad for indulging my pleasure. I haven't started forwarding thought the hours of recordings to find the minutes of horse and rider unity yet, but I plan on starting soon. Can you hear the excitement in my voice? Oh, it is definitely there. One day I'll ride and aspire to their greatness again.


keyofdjonz said...

i absolutely love the picture of her conducting! the world could certainly use more female conductors, naked or not!

keyofdjonz said...

i don't know if you got my last comment so i am going to post again. i absolutely love the picture of brenna conducting! the world could certainly use more female conductors, naked or not!

Mary Jessica said...

The third picture down, of B on top of the horse, embracing it, is such a gorgeous image. I love it.