Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Crazy Weekend

WARNING: The following blog is not very well written but seems to fit the chaos of the weekend. I guess my brain is only working well enough to document in stream of consciousness form.

I can barley even tell you how crazy this weekend was. I am just now recovering from the self-imposed chaos. When will I learn not to cram everything into one weekend.

I guess it wasn't completely self-imposed. Let me start with Friday. We knew we were going to San Antonio and thought we would be staying with Aaron and Elizabeth, but Tanner got sick. So on Friday afternoon we had to find somewhere else to stay on Saturday night. Luckily, we know the Thompsons who are always willing to led us a room or two. Unfortunately part of the reason we were going was for a surprise party for Aunt Peggy (Thompson). Trust me when I say there were several issues to staying with them. I definitely didn't want to ruin the surprise. I had to call my "lie coach" Mindy to coach me through the weekend. I hate to lie and I am not very good at it. Luckily, I made it through Saturday night and Sunday morning without ruining the surprise.

On we move to Saturday morning. I wanted to take Brenna to Sea World. The Backyardigans were doing a show there and I knew she would love it. Of course getting the three of us out the door by 8:30 is quite a feat. I did not accomplish that one. We got there after the show was full. Brenna missed the Backyardigans, but she loved the alligators, dolphins, sharks, fish, and horses. The few hours there were not wasted. After that I had to go by Target to get a wedding gift for the wedding we were attending at 3:00. We ate and then rushed to the Thompsons to let Brenna take a short nap. I didn't feel good and ended up having to lay on the couch for a little while.

After a shower, we woke Brenna up and rushed to the wedding. I didn't think we would make it there at all, but Brenna and I walked in as the bride's maids were were walking down the isle. Nathan parked the car and stepped into the chapel right after the bride. Brenna was not happy to be there. Well, that's not really true. She just refused to whisper. Nathan took her outside into the drizzle and entertained her. I actually got to sit through this wedding. That hasn't happened in awhile. There was a dinner at the reception. Brenna and Tanner loved running across the dance floor before the dancing began. My mom didn't want to claim them. I'm not sure I wanted to claim them. Just kidding, it was pretty cute. Brenna also loved dancing with her daddy once the music started.

Then when we got home Brenna had a stuffy nose and woke up all night because she couldn't keep her paci in her mouth and breath at the same time. You know what happens when baby is up all night? That's right, Mama is up all night.

Sunday came rushing on. I had to lie a little to keep Aunt Peggy oblivious to the forthcoming details of the day. Brenna played with the fish outside and read books with Uncle Roger until Aunt Peggy left for brunch with Mom.

Then we prepared for the party and the big surprise. Did I mention that Brenna really didn't feel well? Am I a bad mom for staying? I really wanted to celebrate with everyone. The payoff was good. Let me tell you about the party.

Mindy planned a great party. The entertainment was a group of people that raise exotic animals and then take them to parties, schools, and different places to educate people about how they live. We got to see and learn about animals I had never seen. It was so fun. Brenna loved it too despite the fact that she couldn't breath, missed most of her nap, and she kept sneezing all afternoon. We were able to touch a wallaby, hedgehog, large turtle, boa constrictor, and the coolest of all, a sloth. I didn't even know what a sloth was. We also saw a tarantula and a macaw. We learned about how they live, what they do, and what they eat. The man who owned the business was a great teacher with all kinds of information. I loved every minute of the presentation. I really loved the sloth. They are so slow and hang upside down most of their life. They are soft and actually quite cute. I feel very privileged.

So have I sufficiently explained why I am just now catching up. On Monday morning I slept until 8:30. And today I slept hard until 7:30 when Brenna woke me up. I don't normally sleep that well, but I guess exhaustion took over. Hopefully I have recovered enough now to be a normal person. Maybe my brain and body will work better tomorrow. I'm glad every weekend isn't like that one, but I'm glad we were able to do everything we did. It was fun to see everyone and to celebrate with a wedding and birthday.

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