Saturday, August 16, 2008

Olympic Mania

I have been one of the million crazy Americans who has stayed up until ungodly hours to watch the athletes compete. Almost every night I tear from the emotion of these athletes. I just finished watching Phelps race with his teammates for his last gold medal in China. I can't even imagine the emotions that are surging though his body.

I remember hating the two weeks of Olympics when I was a child. That was all we watched. My dad loves sports and the Olympics were always at the top of his list. He didn't ask for much as far as television viewing was concerned, but come Olympic time, there was no arguing. Dad won, hands down. I guess I learned through the years to tolerate the two (or four) weeks every four (or two) years. Later, I became captured by the magic. I don't know what year it happened. It was sometime after the change where the winter and summer Olympics alternate every two years. Maybe it was the Atlanta Olympics. I don't really know, but it happened. I became an Olympic junky too. Now I look forward to those two magical weeks. I love the winter and summer Olympics, but the summer are my favorite. Of course they are, there are no horses in the winter Olympics.

I love watching the athletes compete. They train so hard and long. I love to hear the stories behind each athlete. They all have a story. I love to watch the unlikely winners as well as the favorites. Tonight I watched the women's marathon. There were two Chinese at the end who placed 3 and 4. They almost seemed to root each other on as they ran. They were running for themselves but also with each other. They did their victory lap together holding the same flag. What a precious memory for them. I loving the spirit of the games.

I loved rooting for Phelps this year. His goal was unimaginable. Many doubted him. I rooted for him each night. I stayed awake to watch him swim. I felt privileged to talk him through the race (as if I have the knowledge to talk). I loved his gratitude toward his teammates. He never seemed to take all the credit.

I also loved watching the gymnastics. I don't know how they do it. I get so nervous for them. How do they keep their concentration every time they go out to perform. Those gymnasts are so young.

Then of course there is the Dressage. I only watched 4 or 5 horse and rider teams go, but I loved the grace of each dance. Those horses are a picture of beauty. They floated from movement to movement in a dance of perfect grace and unity. I love that sport the most. I sure with everyone else did too so I could watch more.

Back to my own life, Brenna and I made it home safe. I missed posting some pictures from earlier this week. We went to the beach with Mimi and Poppi. Brenna loved going into the water with Poppi until she tasted the water. Then she kept telling Poppi, "I wanna go home." Luckily Mimi calmed her down by telling her that she was taller than the shallow water and it wouldn't get in her mouth.

Brenna played in the sand with all of us. She made her own version of castles and gathered shells for the roof.

We stayed until dark and then make the hour and a half drive home. There was about 3 hours of driving for 2 hours of play. Brenna thought the beach was worth it, and I have to agree with her. She loved being there with Mimi and Poppi, and I loved watching her and taking pictures of everyone.

1 comment:

Kayla said...

Sorry Debbie, I read your comment, but accidently erased it. I would have loved to live in Georgia when the Atlanta Olympics were there.