Monday, August 25, 2008

Glimpse of my Childhood

I wonder, if I start telling her now that she will will one day have a little girl just like herself, will she stop calling me back into her room several times in the evening to simply "rub back"?

Ask my parents, or any babysitter for that matter, what I did every night until I was, oh, probably an adult. Yes, I called them all back to my room for all different reasons: water, a question, a forgotten song, a kiss, a hug, who knows what else. I remember doing it because I was scared sometimes, but I am sure it was also a stalling technique. I thought this would start later with Brenna. Actually I thought this curse would pass over me, but I guess not. (I didn't miss out on the colic or spit up problem either.) My little Brenna already calls us into the room many times an evening. I now see why my parents became frustrated. How is it that our children know how many times each night is too much? She knows how much patience I have down to the very number of times I am willing to get up to lay her back down without loosing all sanity.

Sorry Mom and Dad (Nena, Adrianne, Kathy Dickson, any others). What can I say? Mom told me it would happen. Is there some Mom curse you put on your child each night they call you back into the room for no apparent reason? If there is, I need to know about it. Just kidding. I don't really want to curse sweet Brenna with a child that won't sleep 30 years from now. Or do I?

1 comment:

keyofdjonz said...

this to will pass : )