Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Remember When...

... you could lay around all day reading a good book. Even better, the day was gloomy, drab, and rainy.

I had a glimpse of that today. I made sure I was up-to-date on all my blogs and emails and then retired to my room at Brenna's nap time. My objective was to read until I got too tired and then take a nap. That never happened. I am reading a book that is just too good. I have been reading this series for a few months now. I am a little slower now that I have a two year old to chase.

Anyways, I have been reading this series called, The Protector of the Small Quartet, A Tortall Legend. It is by Tamora Pierce. I am now on the third book called Squire, and I have thoroughly enjoyed this series. The main character is a jewel. I have loved being a part of her life as she grows up. It is a coming of age book set in a semi-fantasy world. She is training to become a knight in a mans world. She is quite the fighter to have survived the five years I have traveled with her so far. And I do feel as if I have been with her. I love it when an author can make their words so real that I feel present in the pages.

So yes, I read Brenna's nap away. I had a thousand things I could and should have been doing. Unfortunately those things didn't get done. Well, that's not true. I was able to clean the bathroom and vacuum while Brenna was playing. But, I wasn't able to work on current christmas presents in progress, several sewing projects, laundry, or toy organization. Oh well, those things will certainly be there tomorrow and probably several more days after that. I did however get through a chunk of a very good book. I guess the day was not a complete waste.

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