Monday, May 26, 2008


Nathan and I took Brenna to the Karnes City Aquatic Club for the first time this weekend. Yes, only Karnes City would name their pool a private Aquatic Club. Anyways, Brenna loved the pool. She did go under a few times and came up sputtering water and sneezing. I don't know how much water is too much to ingest, but she had a great time despite the water that she breathed. I am hoping that I will be able to teach her some swimming before the end of the summer. I am looking forward to this new thing we can do for a few months. I think she is getting as tired of the park as I am.

I'm not very focused today. I hope this makes some sense for the readers and myself.

I realized again yesterday that Brenna is growing up so fast. She no longer says Pa-Pa. She is actually saying Paci. Also she is speaking longer sentences. I have to laugh sometimes at the way she puts words together, but they do make since. One of her most used phrases is "Mama, pick up Brenna." Sometimes I cringe when I hear that because I am doing something and I have already told her "After, I finish..." Then I stop and think, how many more years will I hear those precious work? One or maybe two. I don't want to loose a moment with her even when I feel too busy for the moments.

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