Sunday, May 4, 2008

Introducing Crabby

Crabby was introduced to us on Brenna's birthday. As the newest member of our family, he is also the most beloved to our two year old. Each morning while I am making breakfast, she runs to the window saying, "Outside, sandbox, outside." When my reply is not now, she quickly follows with "music on." My response- "What do you say?" She quickly responds with an enthusiastic, "peese" and hands moving across her chest (that's the sign language motion for please that she still remembers).

It is amazing the things she remembers from day to day. She wants music on every time we sit down at the table or even move through the kitchen for that matter. We went to HEB yesterday and immediately wanted a balloon. We have only been to HEB about 4 times total, but she remembers they have balloons and where they are.

Back to Crabby...
We have been spending a large amount of our day in said beloved sandbox, so don't be surprised to find my child covered in a dingy film of dust. Or if you happen to change her diaper, you may find her little tushy covered in her own special formula of sand microdermabrasion. And if you visit our house you may hear "sandbox" repeated throughout the day at strange times. I wonder what is next to come.

1 comment:

Krischa said...

What is HEB? Must be a Texas thing!