Sunday, June 22, 2008

You know you're getting old when...

... the "must see TV" of your youth is now on TV Land.

... you make yourself stay up until 10:00 because anything else seems way too early.

... the newest fad (ex. heeleys) seem ridiculous and you don't understand why anyone would want to wear them, or you only complain when a child comes rolling up to you.

... you talk about how old a movie is by relating it to the age someone you know who is in high school.

... the kids around you have more energy than you can even remember having.

Nathan and I lead music at VBS tonight. We had fun doing it, but we are exhausted now. The kids were great. They followed directions and participated so well. Now we are both just ready for bed. I can't believe we are doing it again all week.

Brenna seemed to have a great time in her class too. It was basically a nursery, but I think the worker was going to try to do some sort of lesson. The director showed me a picture I hope to be able to post sometime soon. You will just have wait in anticipation. I expected her to fall asleep quickly when we got home, but I think she may have been drunk on Dimatap. She sang "Old McDonald" and "Jesus Loves Me" for at least an hour after we put her to bed. She was also rolling from side to side. Nathan and I just had to laugh. I think she is finally asleep now at 10:30. Hopefully we won't make the same mistake tomorrow too.

I'm sure I will be posting more about VBS as the week goes on.

I took this picture a few days ago and thought I would post what Brenna now uses to sleep. I have tried to keep the poor bears original name (McDougal) but Brenna insist on calling him Goober. "Where did she get that name," you may ask. Well, that is the name of Tanner's stuffed animal, of course. She has learned so much from her cousin. So now she has to have a "quadumvirate" instead of a triumvirate.

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