Thursday, June 5, 2008

Bareback Riding

Brenna has given the term bareback riding a whole new meaning. Caution, the following picture contains nudity. She wanted to ride after her bath. Nathan thought it was too funny to pass up. He called me in to capture the moment. She was having a great time.

Brenna and I went to San Antonio again yesterday. This time we went to the zoo with Mom and Tanner. The kids had a great time. Brenna kept saying "more animals", and as we were leaving Tanner continued to say, "Kayla go wrong way." I made one mistake and the boy wouldn't let me forget it. I tried to tell him I was going to right way now. He just laughed and repeated himself. He must have forgotten that Mimi went the wrong way driving home. She got all confused and took a little longer to get home. Apparently my mistake at the zoo was more funny.

The San Antonio zoo has a great little area for kids to get wet and play at a beach area. Both Tanner and Brenna loved the sand and water. We had toys and water, what more could a toddler want. They played well together and next to each other.

We ate lunch at the zoo and then drove to Aaron and Liz's house for a nap. I love that Brenna likes to play with her cousin. I hope she always enjoys time with her cousin. I have really enjoyed spending time with Aaron and Elizabeth for the past two weeks. Nathan will be able to come with us next time. That should be even more fun. We are planning to go to Sea World again with Nathan this time. That will be in a few weeks.

For now we are all preparing for our vacations. Nathan and I will be leaving for South Padre on Sunday. Mom is picking Brenna up here tomorrow. I hope Brenna has a fun time with Mimi and Poppi this weekend and the beginning of next week. This will be her first time away from Mommy and Daddy all night and for several nights. I hope she sleeps.

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