Saturday, June 14, 2008

Home Again, Home Again

Well, we are all back in Karnes City safely now. Everyone had a great week. Brenna wanted to go home with Nathan and I, but I can't really say she missed us that much. She had a lot of fun with Mimi and Poppi. When we drove into our driveway she started to cry and say "Mimi". I don't know where she thought we were going. We were in the car for 3.5 hours. I just explained that Mimi had to stay at her house with Poppi and it was time for us to come home.

Aparantly Brenna did all the things a child would do at their grandparents house. She got what she wanted, and had a great time everyday with constant play. She and Mimi went to the pool everyday and she played with Poppi a lot. I am sure she read many books too. They did go to story time at the library. Brenna loved the dancing and play there. Mom said she had to pick out books for Brenna because she just wanted to play.

Mimi and Brenna also did some baking together. They made sugar cookies and chocolate cake.

They also enjoyed the fruits of their labor with Poppi.

"Oops, you spilled a little Mimi."

Brenna also loved watching Sesame Street on Mimi's bed while she got ready in the morning. I am wondering if she will want to sit on our bed in the morning now. Or, maybe she will understand that she only did that at Mimi's house. We will see soon.

Westin and Annie came with us to Houston to pick Brenna up. Annie travels well, but Westin is not a great travel partner. Brenna loved having him sit next to her, but he meowed a lot on the way home. When we brought him downstairs in his cage Brenna had to see what was making all that "loud noise" in the cage.

So today, how do you go back to normal life? Daddy and Brenna went to Walmart, and Mommy and Brenna went to the pool. That sounds pretty normal to me. I hope we won't all be bored next week.

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