Friday, February 8, 2008

Teetel Teetel Teetel Tar

I'm not sure if you can read Toddler yet. This is all we have been hearing for the past few days. You would know it if you could hear her sing. Think the ABC tune. Now add the title words.....

You got it. Teetel Teetel Teetel Tar (repeat, repeat repeat).
Translation: Twinkle Twinkle Little Star.

Every now and again we hear something sounding like "world" and "above." It is hard for me to believe that she can actually sing the notes. She will even repeat notes we sing to her. Nathan has her singing the ABC Nightly News theme song. I don't know why I would be amazed. She does have the musical genes coming at her from all sides. Will she be our own little child prodegy? Nathan seems to thinks so. (At least he can dream.)

On with my own news. Would you believe that I met two new moms again today? That is a total of four moms I have been looking for in the last 4 months. I don't know where all these moms have been, but it was fun meeting them all. Brenna on the other hand seems to think the park is her personal toy. She doesn't want to share it with the other kids. I heard a lot of the word "no" today when she was playing with all the kids. Hopefully she will learn sharing better now.

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