Wednesday, February 27, 2008

A glimpse into a Mom's worrying mind

"Is my child watching too much TV?"
"Will she be ruined if I let her watch Elmo so I can put some clothes on today?"
"Is she as bored as I am?"
"Am I teaching her enough so that she won't be way behind when she goes to school?"
"Am I teaching her enough about Jesus?"
"Did she have fun today?"
"Should I have given her that cookie today? There are other foods so much better for her."
"Am I reading to her enough?"
"Oh never mind on the last one. It should be did I read too much. Brenna seems to always have a book in her hand."
"Is she socializing enough with other kids?"
"Did I brush my teeth this morning?"
"Is it my night to take a shower? I can't remember the last time I took one."
"One day I might get to shower in the morning again."

And so the thoughts keep tumbling though my mind.

I have a daily conversation with Brenna. It is actually hard for me to believe that I can actually have a conversation with her now. It goes something like this.
"Neigh" (Brenna)
"Yes baby. There are the pretty horses. Can you count them?"
"Ride?" (Brenna)
"No baby, we don't know who owns those horses."
"Ma-Ma?" (Brenna)
"Yes, Mama wants to ride too." (So, today I added) "Let's pray about it. Dear Jesus, please help Mama and Brenna find some horses to ride. Amen"
Amazingly that seemed to appease her. Did she really know what we were doing? If so, maybe that answers one of my previous questions.

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