Monday, February 11, 2008


It is hard for me to believe that I am really 32. Time does fly when you are having fun. Or at least when you are living life. So, another birthday has passes. I didn't do much yesterday. I did make dinner which I didn't mind doing, but I didn't have to do the dishes. Yea for birthdays!

Mom and Dad came in late Friday night and stayed through noon on Sunday. It was great to spend some time with them. Aaron and Tanner were able to come play with us on Saturday. The kids had a blast and it was fun for the rest of us to spend time together. Again, that is one of the benefits of living here in Texas. We did a lot of bubble and spent the afternoon at the park. It was all in all a great day finished by my favorite cake in the world. Thank you Aunt Peggy!!

I leave you with a few pictures from the park. We all had great fun.

1 comment:

Mary Jessica said...

Happy birthday! It sounds like it was a lovely day. And I'm glad to hear you're meeting some other moms there, too!
xoxo MJ