Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Over there in the corner

"Brenna, were did you put your flip flops?"
"Over there in the corner."

"Brenna, where did the cat go?"
"Over there in the corner."

Sitting in the car and looking into the bedroom window.
"Brenna, do you see the puppy?"
"Yes, Mama, over there in the corner."

Don't ask Brenna were something is. There is only one response we are getting right now. I'm not sure why she thinks everything is in the corner, but it makes us laugh when she says so.

Here are a few other statements she has recently started to say.
"What's that Mama?" (You can even add "over there in the corner" to the end of that one sometimes.)
"I don't know what it is."
"Menna do it."
"I gotta go tee-tee."

There are so many little phrases I just don't want to forget as she grows up in her language development. She grows so fast, I can barely keep up with her. She is already saying "cookie monster" differently. I loved the cute way she said "momer" to start with. Now she actually says "monter".

I had a conversation with a lady at the pool yesterday (who was sitting over there in the corner). She, as are most people, was amazed at Brenna's speaking ability. She said her son spoke well early too. We laughed together at the doctor's question. "Is you child starting to form simple sentences?" Yes and she forms the complex ones too, all day long. Actually, I don't think the doctor even asked me that question last time. She could hear Brenna's constant stream of words through the door. She had her answer before she could ask the question.

Her love of words also goes along with her love for music. I love to hear her little voice singing away to so many different song. Right now she loves the "Hallelujah song" and sings many of the words even though she doesn't know their meaning. (Actual title "And Now My Lifesong Sings" by Casting Crowns) She sings her songs too: The Hokey Pokey, He Has the Whole World in His Hands, The Hairbrush Song, Old McDonald, and the list could go on for awhile.

Yes my child loves to talk. Hmm... I wonder where she got that one from?

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