Saturday, September 6, 2008

Funny Toddler Moment

I wish I had a picture. I have to leave it to your imagination.

Scene: Brenna sitting on the couch watching Larry Boy in a t-shirt and panties. Brenna sees a pair of spare shorts and begins to pull them on. Unfortunetly she put both legs in one hole.

Mommy: "Brenna do you you need help?"
Brenna: "No, Menna do it."
Mommy: "Okay, I take your legs out and put one leg in each hole."
Brenna: "Menna try again."

Scene: Brenna pulls the shorts back off and tries it again.
Repeat above conversation a few times.

Scene: Brenna has shorts almost all the way up her legs only her legs are still in one hole and now she is stuck. Timmmberrr.

Mommy: "Brenna, are you sure you don't want some help?"
Brenna: "Okay, Mama help Menna.

Scene: Brenna stumbles over to Mommy and is helped put one leg in each hole.

Brenna: "No Mama, Menna do it."
Mommy: "I know, you can pull them up yourself."

Everyone does put their pants on one leg at a time.

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