Thursday, November 15, 2007

Finding Words

I am having a hard time finding words to write today. I noticed that it has been a whole week, but I still can't find the things I would like to say. Our mundane life still passes day by day. Only, this week I learned of a dear friend from Georgia who was in a riding accident. She died the day of the accident. I wonder how I can just move though my days when so many of my close friends in Georgia are now living in the middle of terrible grief. I grieve with them, but I feel apart from it all. What I know now is that I have waves of sadness that come so fast and strong they nearly knock me to my knees. I have prayed for the family and friends there. I have asked God "why" with everyone else, but there is nothing I can do here but pray for peace and comfort.

And in the middle of all this pain, I still have a toddler who needs my care. We still laugh and play all day. It seems strange how our lives still go on each day even in the midst of death and sadness. I have found myself telling Brenna I love her many times as I watch her play with such vigor. I am comforted by Nathan's presence next to me. I am thankful for the life we each have and pray that we will use it to God's glory as Kristin did with her short one.

1 comment:

Mary Jessica said...

So very sorry to hear of your loss - much love & prayer to you and your family.