Friday, November 30, 2007

Video Monitors and Such

So, this morning I woke up to the sound of my little girl babbling away to herself. What a lovely sound that is especially when my normal alarm is her screaming to get out. Anyways, I turned on the video part of the monitor and saw her just talking away to Bear. It was so cute, I just laid there and watched her enjoy her time. Then she preceded to try to give Bear one of her many paci's in the bed. I could barely breathe it was so sweet.

Yes, this does prove that I broke down and bought the video monitor. I fought against this modern technology for a long time. I saw how wonderful it was when we lived with Aaron and Elizabeth, but I still fought. I finally broke down and I am so glad I did. I love being able to see her when she is sleeping and waking up. I highly suggest them to all those out there that fight against all the newest trinkets. This one is worth the money.

As you can see, Brenna is starting to roll play some. She really started this at Mimi and Poppi's house this Thanksgiving when she tried to give her Christmas bear a drink. I happened to catch a picture of that

I also thought you might want to see Brenna playing at this park that we visit everyday. She has so much fun today, I thought I would share her joy with everyone else too.

She looks like such a big girl here. My little baby is turning into a little girl.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving Late

I know I am terribly late. I just wanted to show everyone a little of what we did over the week. It was a fun week with Mimi, Papawww, Nena, Roron, Liz, and Tanna (names spelled as Brenna can say them). I have a few pictures from our fun excursions. On Friday we went to the zoo. Brenna loved saying the sounds of all the animals she recognized.

Then when we got home, no one could figure out why when anyone mentioned elephant Tanner responded with "PooPoo?". It wasn't until further examination of the pictures that the truth became evident.

Boy is he an observant toddler.

Then on Saturday we again braved the weather with two toddlers and 6 adults. Did you know it really does take 6 adults to manage two toddlers? Anyways, we went to the Childrens' Museum. That was lots of fun. Even at such a young age, both Brenna and Tanner loved it. I am so glad we were able to take them.

You can see we had a lot of fun. Brenna also learned many new words while she was in Houston. I have to say my favorite is "belbow". It makes me smile every time she says it.

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Our house

Well I thought I would suprise you all with a....

Aren't you all excited. We finally got all the parts to our hard drive. What an exciting day. Now I will be able to post pictures again. It was just in time too. I had exhaused the memory on my card in the camera. So, this is what our house here in the huge metropolis of Karnes City looks like. It does look cute from the outside. I will show you pictures of the inside as I get them taken.

I also wanted to show you what Brenna and I did for and hour and a half on Wednesday afternoon. I am always amazed at how much she likes to move things around. I don't know if that makes her OCD or if that just makes her a good organizer. Anyways, here she is playing in a tub of water. She was soaking wet and mesquito bitten when I said we had to go inside. (Notice the previous sentance. It was not a willing move on her part.) She did have a great time that afternoon. Thank you Mimi for that idea.

Brenna and I are going to Houston for Thanksgiving tomorrow. So, if I don't write again, Happy Thanksgiving to all.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Finding Words

I am having a hard time finding words to write today. I noticed that it has been a whole week, but I still can't find the things I would like to say. Our mundane life still passes day by day. Only, this week I learned of a dear friend from Georgia who was in a riding accident. She died the day of the accident. I wonder how I can just move though my days when so many of my close friends in Georgia are now living in the middle of terrible grief. I grieve with them, but I feel apart from it all. What I know now is that I have waves of sadness that come so fast and strong they nearly knock me to my knees. I have prayed for the family and friends there. I have asked God "why" with everyone else, but there is nothing I can do here but pray for peace and comfort.

And in the middle of all this pain, I still have a toddler who needs my care. We still laugh and play all day. It seems strange how our lives still go on each day even in the midst of death and sadness. I have found myself telling Brenna I love her many times as I watch her play with such vigor. I am comforted by Nathan's presence next to me. I am thankful for the life we each have and pray that we will use it to God's glory as Kristin did with her short one.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

The "Whee"

So, everyday Brenna and I go for a walk and to the park. That is the only thing to do in this town. As we make our way to the park, I also keep hoping that I will see the one mom with a child Brenna's age that I have met here. There just isn't a lot going on in the little town. Hopefully I will start to acclimate soon.

Anyways, as soon as the park is in sight, Brenna starts yelling, "whee, whee, whee." (Translated: "Yea the park! Yea the park! Yea the park!") It is so cute to hear her excitement. She squirms and wiggles until I can finally get her unstrapped from the stroller. She even tries to help me undo the stroller harness. How do you explain to a toddler that I appreciate her help, but will get her out much faster if she sits still?

Then what does she do when she if finally free. She runs to the rocks, dirt, or sticks and starts moving them all around. She doens't even go to slide or swings first. That just makes me laugh. She loves to rearrage dirt. She could (and has) do it for hours and never get bored. What a strange child I have. She at least keeps me laughing.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Sleepless in Karnes City...

as my mom has so affectionately called Brenna, is now sleeping again. This move has apparently been hard on all of us. Brenna has spent the last 3 weeks on a sleep hiatus. I though she would never sleep her "normal" schedule again. Thank goodness I was wrong. Sunday, yesterday, and today have been normal sleeping patterns. Hopefully they will last now.

Brenna is talking more each day. She is learning to say all her grandparents names. I love to hear her talk. Each new word gives me a special pleasure. She can definitely express when she doesn't want something now with the word "no". She also tells us when she sees most animals by mimicking what they say. She can say bubble, turtle, play, wee, yea, and ni-ni. I am enjoying this stage of expression even though it can be challenging at times.

I think that is all for now. We are still working on an external hard drive for the photos. Hopefully they will come someday. I believe I will take a nap now.