Saturday, August 15, 2009

Way behind on life

Can I be forgiven? I'm not sure if I will ever catch up, but I will at least try. I can't believe that I practically lost all of July. Where did it go you may ask? We were in Georgia for the beginning of July. We came home for a week, then Brenna and I went to Houston to care for Nena. We came home for one day so that I could work, then I went back to Houston again. That brings us to August. Basically I traveled July away. I guess some months are just like that.

We have been busy to say the least, but I do have a few pictures for your enjoyment. First, on our way home from Georgia, we stopped in Alabama to visit Nathan's grandmother. Brenna enjoyed the short time we had with her there. We have several pictures similar to this chronicling Brenna's growth. I thought this was a cute one. Brenna and Nana also practiced smiling with their fingers. That too was a cute picture.

In between trips, we were able to go to a minor league baseball game with some people from church. This was Brenna's first game. I think she enjoyed the mascots more than the game, but at least she had fun. For Nathan's sake, I hope she learns to enjoy baseball games more than I have. She was quite cute running up and down the isle crushing the peanut shells under her feet as she went along. I had to have at least one picture to prove we were there.

At the beginning of the week, Brenna and I spent time in Austin with Amy and Krissy. What fun we had. I'm not sure which kids had more fun: Amy and I at the expense of our girls, or Brenna and Krissy with their developing friendship. Whichever way it was, we all had fun. There were many late nights and I think we were all a little tired at the end. The girls matched hair one day and then Amy and I couldn't resist some BFF tees for both girls. They were just too cute. For those of you who knew Amy and I in high school, we just haven't changed much in some ways.

When Brenna is away from Nathan for very long, she just can't seem to get enough of him when they are back together. She really loves her Daddy. I love to listen in on their play time. Today I overheard Brenna saying, "Daddy, Daddy it's time for the wedding. You be the prince and I'm the princess". So cute. She was all decked out in dress up clothes and shoes. She can be such the princess. (It seems that Krissy, a princess enthusiast, has taught Brenna some new games.) After lunch Brenna asked Nathan to play a game with her. They sat in the chair and played a cute little video game together. Brenna can't do much but she likes to push the X when Nathan tells her it is time.

What else have I missed? Nathan and I celebrated our 7th anniversary. It was a strange celebration. We exchanged gifts on the day of our anniversary, but we didn't go on our date until the end of the week. Let me tell you this will be the year to remember for mishaps. We were supposed to go see Harry Potter and eat dinner, but the movie had left the theater. We still went to eat and ended up spending the rest of the evening in Walmart. Romantic right? What can I say, sometimes it doesn't really matter where you go as long as you are together.

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

That's funny, Billy and I celebrated our anniversary in pretty much the same way. We exchanged gifts on the day and then went out on Friday. Except we went to The Last Resort for dinner, the Varsity for dessert,and then on to the Academy and Barnes and Noble. So funny how similar we are.