Thursday, August 27, 2009

Growing up

Everyone needs to go to the dentist eventually. Brenna's first appointment was yesterday. She was a superstar and very proud of herself when I called her one. As we left the office, she had a huge smile and a lollipop. I'm so thankful that her first experience wasn't too traumatic for her. She was a little scared when the dentist laid the chair back, but she adjusted pretty quickly. She opened her mouth like an alligator and only bit down once. I don't think Brenna realized the dentist still had her fingers in her mouth. Regardless, she opened her mouth quickly.

She has been making me laugh since the appointment. She keeps talking about kissing at the doctor's office. It is actually very innocent. For some reason Brenna didn't understand how to close her lips around the syringe tube. The dentist told her to pretend she was sucking on a straw, but that didn't work. She then told Brenna to kiss the syringe. That worked and Brenna loved the concept. Funny how her little mind works.

It is still hard for me to believe that we have passed by one more milestone in Brenna's life. She was such a cutie and good girl. I was very proud of my little one.

1 comment:

keyofdjonz said...

thank you so much for sharing these milestones with us. it is so hard to live so far away and missing out on these things but b/c of your faithfulness to update your blog and add the pictures we can experience them too! thank you! we love you!