Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Illnesses and visitors

Last week I spent all week at home with a sick two year old. How pitaful. She really didn't feel well and ran a high fever. Now she is feeling better but still coughing, and she has passes it on to me and Nathan. We are both battling head colds. Not fun especially while Nathan's parents are visiting. I fear we will send them home with head colds too. It is fun to have them here. We are going to the beach this afternoon. I'm sure I will have loads of fun pictures to post once I have a functioning computer again.

Also now that Brenna is feeling better and her two year birthday is quickly approching, she is beginning to show even more of those trademark characteristics of a two year old. It is an interesting year to be. She has to learn so much about surviving in the world and how a normal person acts. She has to learn that the world doesn't revolve around. Both very hard lessons to learn. Hopefully the lessons will be learned quickly so that we can move on past this stage of tantrums.

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