Friday, December 4, 2009

Even in Karnes City

Miracles do happen. It "snowed" today, if you can call it that. Pretty sure those who live up north would not. But for us, it snowed. This was Brenna's first experience with snow. That too makes me a little sad. Now she will think little spits of white from the sky will qualify as snow. Oh well, we take what we can get. It was magical for her. We played outside for a little while and I got to take a few pictures. If you look very closely, you might see a little white speck in one corner. Yep, that would be the snow. Please don't go blind trying to find it.

1 comment:

keyofdjonz said...

if that youngun' was any more precious i don't think i could stand it, ha-ha! i absolutely adored the brenna book that keith wasn't supposed to open until christmas, oh well, it was worth opening early! thank you, thank you, thank you! love you all very much!