Friday, June 5, 2009

Musical Days

We have always said that Brenna has music in her blood, but she has proved that for the past few days. She has been singing and dancing her little heart out as Nathan and I learn the VBS music. I love to watch her. This year she will be in a VBS class and not just the nursery. I think she is going to love it. I am a little worried about her doing well in our class, but hopefully it will go well. She has a little head start over the other kids with the music. I will be sure to update our progress through VBS next week.

Amy sent me some songs that Krissy (her daughter) really likes a little while ago. Brenna loves these songs too. She is really cute when she asked for that CD. She calls it, "the music that Amy and Krissy sent me." It is basically adult praise and worship music sung by kids. One of the songs is "Awesome God". I think she is combining her favorite TV show with this song. She loves to watch Little Einstein's. The show uses music all through it. One of the little characters sings in a microphone which Brenna loves to mimic. (Thanks Amy and Krissy for the microphone.)

She also has practice with a real microphone. There have been several days that Nathan needs to practice something on the piano at church. Brenna loves to stand on the stage and pretend to sing into the microphone there. I was lucky enough to have my camera handy for that moment. Sorry for the bad coloring. I'm not sure what she was singing this time.

Here is one more unrelated event I wanted to share. We had corn on the cob the other night and I decided to see if Brenna would eat the corn straight off the cob. It was a hit. She ate every bit of that corn. She hasn't ever really eaten can or frozen corn, but apparently it is so much more fun off the cob.

1 comment:

Amy said...

So, that was super cute! She is getting so big. The girls seem closer in age all the time!