Saturday, May 30, 2009

Cookies for Daddy

I am testing to see if this works. You know how these new computers are. There is always so much to learn when you get a new computer. I am playing with the iMovie. Brenna helped me make cookies today. I thought I would share if I could.

On a completely different subject. I have a child that is asleep in bed. A cat beside me, asleep too. And Annie is laying on the back of the couch snoring in my ear. I guess everyone is happy now.

Okay, now I am just sitting here waiting for the video to upload. Maybe this isn't the best way to publish something. It sure takes a long time. I'll keep writing.

Brenna and I had a good day today. Nathan had his last obligation of the year at Fiesta Texas with his 7th and 8th grade band students. Hopefully they had a good day, but that left Brenna and I to our own devises. I took her to the pool. Today was the first day it was open for the summer. She had a great time until she bumped her head on the side of the pool. Then she was all about coming back home. I convinced her to keep playing for a little while though. She ended up having fun again too.

After lunch she took a good nap. You know how that swimming saps a Toddler of all energy. And then we made the cookies. I hope you get to see that video. It is still processing. Anyways, that was our day. We had fun and now it is almost time for bed. Hopefully the next post won't be so random, but I guess a random post now and again won't kill anyone.


Nathan said...

You're right, I'm the teensyist bit jealous that I didn't get a lick, but I'm really glad I get to enjoy the finished product. My favorite part of these exchanges? The following:
Mommy: Question
Brenna: Yeah
Mommy: Repeats question
Brenna: I don't know.
Mommy: Answer
Brenna: Yeah. (optional repeat of answer)

Stephanie said...

It sounds like Brenna just wanted you to stop harassing her while she was enjoying the cookie dough. "Geez, Mom, I don't know why we're making these cookies, and I don't really care. I just want to lick in peace." Cute video!

Kelly said... were disturbing her as she was thoroughly enjoying the cookie dough. So cute. I'm glad yall had fun!