Friday, January 16, 2009

Our Week

Can you guess what I did on this day? That was quiet a load of laundry.

We played dress up for the first time. Brenna got a box of princess clothes for Christmas. Thanks G-daddy and Nonni! Brenna doesn't know how to dress herself very well yet, but if she keeps on playing with these clothes, she will have it in no time. I guess I will keep helping her until then.

There was one evening when Brenna and I went outside to play with bubbles while Daddy finished his nap. We haven't played with bubbles in a long time, and she had a great time chasing them again. Then our neighbors dogs came outside and she kept trying to talk to them through the fence. I think she learned this technique from Annie.

And can you say eyelashes?

On Thursday, I had to work, but I came home to a package. Mimi ordered Brenna a replacement Christmas present earlier this week and it came in already. After she went to bed, I took it out to make sure it didn't need to be assembled. Brenna was so excited when she saw it this morning. She has been playing with it all day today.

Nappy Nap time Horsey.

Nappy Nap time Mommy. (Nathan actually thought it was quite appropriate that the "Mommy" was sleeping above the barn. Luckily I never had to sleep in a hay loft.)

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