Friday, March 14, 2008

Firefighter Lessons

Today that loud fire siren we experience here in Karnes City went off again. Luckily it was before Brenna's nap. With any luck it won't go off again while she is napping now. I was in a different room and of course she came tearing to me. She is so afraid of loud noises. So I held her at the window and we watched for the fire trucks. We told the fire trucks "Hi" as they came by. Then we told them "thank you for helping people not get hurt". I tried to give a mini lesson on what heroes our firefighters are. I wonder if her two year old intellect understood. I guess she understood some because for the next 5 min. before bed she continued to say, "hello fire truck" and "thank you fire truck". Maybe I made one step in the right direction in alleviating some of that loud noise fear.

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